Copper Pot Still Max Cuprum «Classic»

  • Copper Pot Still Max Cuprum «Classic»
45 470 rub.
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Max Cuprum «Classic» still is a moonshine still made in a classic Pot Still style. It provides high output, which is especially important during distillation of mash, when fractions ("foreshots", "body", "feints") are not separated, and high speed of distillation becomes a very important factor.

Enormous output is provided by the fact that there are no intermediate dephlegmators in the still – neither air nor water cooling – which would further strengthen the product and contribute to reduction of the speed of separation.

Max Cuprum «Classic» moonshine still is made of Russian pure M1 grade copper. This means that the content of copper not less than 99.9%! This grade of metal is ideal for brewing noble drinks.

Copper in the moonshine still helps to improve the taste and aroma of the product. In addition to getting rid of undesired substances in the distillate (eg, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, which are present in mash), copper distiller improves organoleptic features of the future drink. After all, copper is a catalyst for many reactions responsible for birth of vanilla, nut, caramel and spicy tones in your moonshine!

Max Cuprum «Classic» Distiller is equipped with a special elbow, which helps to divert the condenser to the side, and prevents splashes and foam from getting into the separated product. This elbow is a unique development from Max Cuprum that has no benchmarks in the world. Its shape is inspired by the design of traditional moonshine stills utilized on the world's leading plants that produce whiskey, brandy, cognac, calvados and other luxury drinks.

Complete Equipment:

  • Copper reducer & bend 135° (CLAMP 2”-4”) - 1 PCs.
  • Surge Breaker Tri-Clamp 2" - 1 PCs.
  • Shell-and-tube сondenser 35 cm Tri-Clamp 2" - 1 PCs.
  • Clamp 2- 2 PCs.
  • Silicon Gasket Tri-Clamp 2" - 2 PCs.
  • Warranty card - 1 PCs.
45 470 rub.
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Comments (2)
  • Светозар
    13 November 2019 .
    Увидел в опциях удлинение холодильника до 50 см. Что это даёт?
    • Max Cuprum
      13 November 2019 .
      Удлинение холодильника позволяет увеличить его производительность за счёт увеличения площади охлаждающей поверхности. Таким образом, если стандартный холодильник утилизирует порядка 3,75 кВт нагрев, удлинённый будет утилизировать примерно 5,3 кВт.
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